Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Lapangan Rampal merupakan salah satu lapangan terbesar di kota Malang. Lapangan ini selalu menjadi tempat untuk acara – acara besar seperti konser musik, pameran baju distro, acara olah raga, dll.

Pada suatu hari lapangan ini akan dijadikan tempat konser musik rock. Lapangan tersebut berbentuk persegi panjang dengan ukuran panjang 100 meter dan lebar 50 meter. Tiket telah terjual habis dan lapangan tersebut penuh sesak dengan para penggemar musik rock. Berapakah kira – kira banyak pengunjung konser tersebut? Berikan alasanmu!

Apple Trees

Fresh green apples, cool mountain air, stunning natural beauty, and a whole lot of fun, are among the many appealing features associated with the pleasant town of Batu in East Java. Located about 15 Km west of the city of Malang  or approximately 100 Km from Surabaya, capital of East Java, the town of Batu was dubbed by the Dutch during the colonial era as Klein Switzerland, or little Switzerland in Java for its sheer beauty. Nowadays, adding to the fascinating natural features of Batu, a number of exciting theme parks have been added, making it truly a vacation city for the entire family.

My Question :

A farmer plants apple trees in a square pattern. In order to protect the apple trees against the wind he plantsconifer trees all around the orchad.
Here you can see the diagram of this situation where you can see the pattern of apple trees and conifer trees for any number (n) of rows of apples trees.

Answer the question below :
1.      Complete the table :

Number of apple trees
Number of conifer trees




2.      There are two formulas you can use to calculate the number of apple trees and the number of conifer trees for the pattern described above. There is a value of n for which the number of apple trees equals the number of conifer trees. Find the value of n and show your method of calculating this.
3.      Suppose the farmer wants to make a much larger orchard with many rows of trees. As the farmer makes the orchard bigger, which will increase more quickly: the number of apple trees or the number of conifer trees? Explain how you found your answer.

Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Tugu Monument of Malang as Context

 In front of Malang Mayor City Hall, there is around big garden where Tugu Monument, landmark of Malang stand. this garden is rich of beautiful and colorful flowers. It was Dutch that built the city with variuos city plans. This monument is in Bouwplan II that was included in city expansion or Gouverneur Generaal buurt known as Alun - alun Bunder. This area completed with fountain and pool in the middle of  it. 

My Question :

look the picture!
If the area of Tugu Monument is 2.558 meter, and the area of fountain and pool 876 meter. How the area of garden or flowers park?

Tempe as Context

Malang city known as TEMPE. Tempe is one of traditional food in Indonesia especially in Malang. 
Malang have central industry of tempe it is call Sanan Area, there is many home industry produced Tempe.
Tempe is made from soy and yeast. Many processed foods made from soybean such as chips with many flavor,
brownies, etc.

My Question :

      Lancar Jaya Store produced tempe everyday. If 1 kilograms of soy can produce 6 bars of tempe. How many kilograms they need soys if they want produce 720 bars of tempe?


Based on the PMRI or RME approach, we must use context learning which is close with students, and I will
use AREMA INDONESIA FC as context in my statistics question.
AREMA INDONESIA FC is one of famous foot ball club in Indonesia, especially in Malang.

My Question :

Sunday, 29 September 2013 in Kanjuruhan Stadium, AREMA INDONESIA FC have beaten Central Coast
Mariners (CCM) Australia with score 2- 1. 
This is the AREMA INDONESIA FC players list at that time. Based on the table, how the average age of

Kurnia Meiga Hermansyah
Purwaka Yudi
Greg Nwakolo
Egi Melgiansyah
Cristian Gonzalez
Dendi Santoso
Kayamba Gumbs
Victore Igbonefo
Thierry Gathuessi
Hasyim Kipuw

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Diffy Fun Games

Diffy Fun Games

Diffy is great for practicing subtraction - but it also requires students to think logically and identify patterns. It can be played with integers, negative numbers, fractions, decimals, and money, but I think it is most fun with whole numbers. Great for kids, but adults enjoy playing too.

Begin by writing four different numbers into the four circles on each of the outer corners. Fill in the outer squares by subtracting the smaller number from the larger number on each corner. Continue working toward the center, subtracting the corners. What patterns do you see? Can you get to the middle without a difference of zero?

Image created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2011 all rights reserved
Here is a completed one. As you can see, the player (who was me) did not win because the circles furthest to the center all came up zero. Can you win? Can your students? And perhaps more importantly, what will your students learn about number relationships while they are trying?

click in here to try the games

One of Problem Solving Strategies

Finding Pattern atau yang dikenal dengan penemuan pola merupakan salah satu strategi dalam menyelesaikan masalah matematika. Berikut ini adalah sedikit penjelasan tentang penemuan berpola dan beberapa contoh soal beserta penyelesaiannya.

Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Hello Panda as Context Learning in Addition

Observation Report in Class IIA SDN 179 Palembang

A.    Introduction
Mathematics was difficult material by most of students, because teachers taught with abandon methods which not attractive to students because the teacher just explained and the students not involved in the learning process. That have implications for the low performance of students in mathematics.
Mathematics as a branch of science that is structured and systematically, and have a roles in optimizing the ability of human thinking. The purpose of  mathematical learning is to
trained how to think, reasoning, and made good conclutions. Therefore, learning mathematics is expected to be a proper container in the formation of human thinking abilities. And need good design learning for students. The most appropriate approach to learning that is Realistic Mathematics Education approach Indonesia (PMRI).
For this research, we create and develop learning process with PMRI approach. We used learning contexts which close to the student and they easily found in their daily life. We used one kind snack is called Hello Panda, the students usually consumed that snack. With that context we will teach addition for three-digit nmbers less than five hundred. Here are the steps for learning process :

B.     Design Research
Phase I: Preliminary Design
In this step, we are discuss about topic that will be used. We used topic with standart of competency addition and substraction for  three digit number less than 500, and the indicators is addition three-digit numbers without saving techniques. The purpose for the learning activities are students have ability to  addition three-digit numbers without saving techniques. After that, we are discuss with teachers about teaching schedule, a class of conditions and the equipment and materials used in the learning process.
a.      Activity I : introduction about big box hello panda, small box hello panda, small panda.
The students introduced to the problems context related with place and value integer. In this activity, teacher showed small box helllo panda to the tudents. Most of students familiar with this snack because they almost consumed this snack. The teacher explained if the small box hello panda contained 10 small panda. Teacher showed if the big box hello panda contained 10 small box hello panda. After that teacher give questions to the students. If the small box hello panda contained 10 small panda it means represent what? If the big box hello panda contained 10 small box hello panda and 100 small panda, represent what? The teacher give that question have purpose to lead students concept about place value hundreds, tens and ones.

figure 1. Hello Panda snack

b.      Activity II : the students untwist big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small hello panda.
The students answers the question from LKK with untwist big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small panda. The purpose of this activity is  the students capable to clasify the kinds of hello panda and related to the place value.
c.       Activity III : the students answers the question with drawing big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small panda in the answer sheet.
The students answers the question from LKK with drawing the big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small panda in the answers sheet. The purpose of this activity is the students capable to understand if the big box represent hundreds, small box represent tens and small box represent ones.
d.      Activity IV
The students lead to found the idea to solve the addition problems three-digits numbers less than 500 in the LKK with big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small panda.

e.       Activity V
In this activity the students solve the question in the LKK unassisted big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small panda. The goal for this activity is make students capable to solve the addtion three digits numbers less than 500 without saving.
            Phase II : Teaching Experiment
The Implementation of learning that we have compiled held on 18 September 2013 in the class II A SDN 179 Palembang for 2 x 35 minutes. The teachers, researchers and students active to participate in this activity.
The process of learning activity start with remaind students about place value for two digits numbers. After that teacher explained about the goal of the learning process on that day. The teacher used the learning context which is closed with the students. The manipulative for the learning activity is big box hello panda, small box hello panda,  small panda and addition board.

                                            figure 2. the teacher showed the hello panda context

            Next, teacher asked to the students amount of big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small panda. The students answers the question with enthusiasm, they found if the big box hello panda contained 10 small box hello panda and 100 small panda and they conclude if the big box hello panda represent.
            After that the teacher divide the students to small group, ecah group contained 3 – 4 students. The purpose of this activity is teach students to work in group. The teacher shared Lembar Kerja Kelompok or LKK to each groups. And teacher explained the procedure in the LKK. The firs activity, students untwist amount of big box hellp panda, small box hello panda, and small panda. There were some groups have a some problems, they scrambling to fill LKK. Hence, the teacher give more LKK to them. Almost all of the student enthusiasm with the learning activity on that day.

  figure 3. the students work in group

                              after the students wok in goups, the teacher asked to the students to showed their result in front of class with the addition board. The teacher choosed the students randomly for every groups. The teachers choosed two students from every groups. But, because the students rarely speaking in front of class, teacher help them with given question and they solve with the addition board. And they showed they answers to their friends. After discussion, the teacher shared homework paper to the students. The tacher given homework to know how the students understand about the materials todays.

                          figure 4. the sudents used the addition board to solve their problems
Phase III : Retrospective Analysis
                        Overall, the learning process on that day going well, the students were very enthusiasm to following the activity either group or individual. Every groups showed that they capable to work together, although some of students crying because they felt their friends unfair.
The first, teacher showed the big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small panda, teacher given some question to the students. And the students with the enthusiastic asnwers the question. When the students worked in the group, they worked nicely. They capable worked together and finished on time.
                        After disscusion in groups, the students showed their result in front of class. They showed their answers with the addition board. In the addition board, the students must fill the box with the numbers, white numbers for question, red box for hundreds, green box for tens, and yellow box for ones. They showed their result nicely, even the teacher choosed bad students, she/he capable solve the problems. It means that all of the students understand about the material on that day.
                        In the last activity, teacher shared homework paper to the students. After that we discuss together with the teacher to reflection the activity on that day. We tried to analysis the students answers in the LKK sheet. We found that almost all groups write false answers to number 2, 3 and 4. It because we  wrong putting the big box hello panda, small box hello panda and small panda.
figure 5. the students result (wrong answered) 

                        From that figure (number 2, 3 and 4), it showed that the students wrong to untwist the picture, they not putting the picture based on the type but based on the position. Although final result of the students is right. For number 1, all students correctly answered. It means that the students answers the question based on the putting pictures.
                        For the rest numbers, the student correctly answered because we putting the pictures well, and the position of the picture easy to understand. Even, almost of groups have problems to drawing the answers.
figure 6. the students result (wrong answered)

For the last question from LKK showed that the students able to answers addition three digits numbers with formals role.

Figure 7. the students result (wrong answered)

Based from the discussion result with the teacher, the students have problems with untwist the numbers contained 0 in the middle or in the tens position. And she said that the students must accustomed to speak in fron of class and work together in group.
Overall, the learning activity on that day used five principle of RME going well. Hence, need improvement to compose LKK. On that day, the students enthusiastic to follow the learning process. Because the teacher used learning context which is closed with the students.

figure 8. the students activity in the class

C.    Conclution
On that day, we used the learning indicator is addition three digits numbers without saving. We used the RME approach with five characteristics. We used snack hello panda (using of context), picture of  snack hello panda  (model), activity on LKK (pupils own creation and contributions), presentation and discussion in groups (interactivity) and place value problems (intertwining). The iceberg show below.

figure 9. The Iceberg learning process
We used hello panda context which is closed with students. With the big box hello panda, small box hello panda, and small panda, students understand about the place value ; hundreds, tens and ones.Overall, the learning process on that day going well. The sudents worked in groups and answered the question from LKK. After that, they showed their result in front of class with the addition board. In the last meeting, we were together analysis the students answers, and found that students incorrect answers for number 2, 3 and 4 because we putting bad layout. But, in general all of the students able to answers the question in the LKK.